Thursday, May 09, 2013


Greenhouse Filling up.



Victoria Plum Blossom

Duck Enclosure

Well at last spring finally arrived after what seemed like a year since the sun appeared!
In fact the past couple of weeks I think we had more Sunshine than we had since last March 2012.
So i've been very active outside catching up with the garden jobs and of course the greenhouse and allotments too. Most of the allotment is completed now, with just a couple of areas left unplanted, which will be kept for the Pumpkins and Tomato's to be planted later in May or early June. I guess we could still get a few frosts till then anyway. The greenhouse (pictured above) is full of trays and pots of mostly vegetables and fruit plants. There are some bedding plants but not as many as previous years. Firstly with the cold weather they were so slow to germinate and a few did'nt! Also we are cutting back a bit on flower displays and opting for more fruit & Veg instead.  The pets enjoy a ready supply of greens to eat, so we grow a lot of those, including spinach and swiss chard, which they get through a lot. So far the main fruit blossom has been from the Plum trees, but hopefully more will follow soon. It has been a colourful Spring though so far with a good display from the tulips and daffodils. But I will be protecting the trees at night if there are any bad frosts forecast. We usually put some light-weight fleece material draped over the branches. Hopefully it will save the blossom from being ruined.                                                                                                    

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