Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Season-2013

Well it's Springtime now and another Gardening season awaits my attention.
The weather so far this year has been very cold and that has caused a few problems, not only outside but in my Greenhouse too. The germination of seeds has been so slow and in some cases did not emerge at all. Such as Tomatos which were sown in late January. Very few came through and so i've tried re-sowing those. It could be a very late season for them or they might be a right off this year.
Bedding plant seeds again are very slow and way behind previous years. So it looks like a late planting out time this summer.
On my allotments i'm just starting planting out and sowing .
The Onions(Sturon) are in and so are the early Potatos(Charlottes) and Peas (Onward).
Now that i have two full-size allotments, i'm finding I will need to borrow someones rotovator machine to help plough the rest of the soil. Digging two by hand is not good for the back or knees!!
Time will tell if taking on two is one step too far!.....but hopefully i will manage them both.
The battle with the weeds is the main worry so you need to keep on top of them.
       Back at home the animals are enjoying the recent appearances of "the Sunshine".
We still have all the ducks and hens & rabbits, though we lost two Guinea pigs in mid-April with flu like colds. Not suprising with all the cold weather they endured this year . We'd had them a year from that animal sanctury, so we had no idea how old they were. So only one Guinea pig now.
He lives with two of the rabbits (Cherry & Apricot).
The greenhouse is now very full and lots more to sow as yet as spring goes on.
This year i'll be trying "watermelons" for the first time as an experiment,though not certain if our climate will suit those even in a greenhouse. I find even peppers impossible to grow in there.
In my next entry i'll include more photographs of how things are taking shape!....Happy Gardening!

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