Monday, May 27, 2013

Busy Holiday Weekend -Part 1

Ready to plant out


Pumpkin plants


Our Wine Production

It was the whitsun bank holiday here in the UK and that means a very busy weekend outdoors on the garden too. Its my traditional weekend to plant out my summer bedding, which I almost completed.
First I did the front garden with a mixture of Cosmea, African Marigolds, Mixed Asters, Rudbeckias, Petunias, Gazanias, Geraniums and Dahlias. Together with a few perennials too. I am trying to cut down on the amount of annuals and create less work in future years by planting more perennial plants. But a few annuals always look good inbetween I think. I was also busy on the allotment too, putting out the rest of my Tomato plants which will hopefull withstand the british weather! Varieties like "Moneymaker" and "Harbinger" should be Ok hopefully. Though unless we get a fair amount of sunshine, they will struggle again. I also planted about 30 pumpkin plants of different types. We like the unusual shapes and sizes that are available, so we really hope they do well this year. I allowed plenty of space between the plants as they spread out so much.
Also planted out was the Sweet Corn and Climbing Beans.
At home Dana was busy making the Rhubarb wine (photo above) which is now all in demi-johns in the bath! We tasted some and it is delicious already. Later on she will be making more Beetroot wine once it is big enough to harvest from the allotment. Last years batch has now all gone and again it was a great taste.
Still to plant out soon on the allotment are the Celery and Celariac plants. But they are not quite large enough to go out yet.

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