Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Tale Of The Pigeon Called "Sheffu"

Me In Greenhouse


Dana feeding Sheffu

Dana & Friend

Me with one of our ducks

Maverick the drake

Within our garden we have a few rescued animals, including the ducks, rabbits, hens , the guinea pig and cat.
Recently we went on a train journey to Manchester which included changing trains at Sheffield.
Whilst waiting on Sheffield station, we noticed a small baby Pigeon on the platform in a corner. Dana decided that we ought to return home with it!!!  I was a bit hesitant to be honest, imagining what could happen in a train carriage if a pigeon got loose and started flying around!.Also we had a few fellow passengers looking strangely at us as Dana picked up the pigeon to take on the train. However, we did take it back to our house (waiting till the return was still there!) , well hidden on the train home and no disasters!.  Since then Dana has fed it daily and its been learning to fly. Soon it'll be strong enough to be let loose.....should it want to go!
It does appear to have make itself at home now and sits on Dana's shoulder a lot (photo above).
We named the Pigeon "Sheffu" after Sheffield Station....also "Sheffu" means "Chief" in Romania i am told by my wife who is from Romania .
Above are photos of a couple of our ducks and myself in the greenhouse.                                    

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