Monday, March 24, 2014

Springtime News From The Garden

It's all systems go at the moment on the Allotments and of course at home in my Greenhouse.
The seedlings are mostly all through now and require pricking out into trays.
There are hundreds of tomatos to pot up, which will take time.
In the photo above you can see the newly set up polytunnel, which is on one of my allotments.
We struggled against a strong wind to get the sheet fitted, but got there in the end.
Soon I'll have my Peppers, Aubergines and Tomatos in there.
Its a thick polythene, so hopefully it'll withstand the elements well.
Another photo shows how colourful my parents grave looks, covered in Daffodils, looking very nice indeed. I thought It worth a photo taken.
Other photos show the progress in my Greenhouse and the potato tubers all chitting in their trays.
They will shortly be planted on the Allotment.
Three varieties of potatos...."Charlotte", suitable for salads. "Desiree", a red skinned type, used for roasting or boiling. "Cara" a maincrop potato, used for boiling or baking. This one being resistant to "Blight" which is a problem sometimes with potatos.
So far a very colourful Springtime and pretty much well ahead on this time last year.
In fact I didn't start on my allotment till April 12th in 2013.
This year I have nearly rotovated all of it by mid-March.
The Rotovator has been a massive help this year, easing my issues with back pain!
So it's got to be worth buying one just for that reason alone.
Next month I'll be sowing the Pumpkins & Squashes, plus Beans and Corn.
Still plenty to do in the Greenhouse!

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