Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Gardening Season- 2014 - Then time To Quit The Plots?


Another New Gardening Season is upon us!
Already I have had my seed packets delivered and just awaiting my Onion sets to arrive.
So I'll soon be occupying the Greenhouse again and being busy sowing the seeds.
I have bought some compost and insulated the Greenhouse with bubble wrap, so just waiting for the icy weather to go. As I do not use any heating in the Greenhouse, being too expensive to run a paraffin heater nowadays.
Regarding the allotments this year, I have bought a brand new cultivator (pictured above) which is awaiting oil and petrol, but I will soon take it to the allotment shed to store it there.
So I'll add the oil and petrol over there, as I need to transport it in my car!
It is very heavy as you might expect.
I needed the cultivator as I have such a large area to cultivate , over two plots.
My main concern this year is my ongoing back pain issues!
Dispite the pills from the doctors, it keeps re-occuring and makes gardening less enjoyable.
So maybe this could be my final year keeping on those allotments, but we'll see!
I might just keep one next year as time is always in short supply for me there.
Right now I have scattered my pets manure over the allotment plots, ready to dig in.
I keep all of the Rabbit / Hen & Duck manure , rotted in the bins then bag it up for the plots.
I dislike using horse manure, as it has so many fertilizers and things picked up from the farms that I do not trust it. I prefer our own organic manures from our animals.
    Also this season, I have gained a polytunnel frame on the allotment, that I will buy a polythene skin for very soon. The allotment secretary retired and it was on his plot, so he's allowed me to use it now.  Very kind of him too!
So hopefully I'll be growing some Peppers and Aubergines inside it, which should grow well in one of those.  So another busy year ahead!
    I see the bulbs are just coming up now in the gardens, so not too long now till we have some colour to enjoy again.   Happy Gardening Folks!

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