Saturday, June 12, 2010

Clematis In Bloom

June has arrived and it see's the start of the Clematis season in my Garden. I have a few varieties and photos of some of them are above. The first to flower in my garden is the "Montana" variety and now others are coming into Bloom which are the larger flower types, like "The President" and "Fireworks". When planting a Clematis , it is worth remembering you should set it in the soil, lower than its pot depth! About 3 Inches deeper in fact.
So some of the stalks will be below ground level. This helps prevent the common Clenatis problem called "Clematis Wilt". Which see's an often healthy Clematis, wilt and die off within days. So plant them deeper and this should not happen. If you do get Clematis Wilt, try digging up the plant and re-setting it deeper and it may grow back and add some "bone meal" to help root growth. When a Clematis is growing , feed with a Potash feed to help produce extra flowers. Also keep the roots of a Clematis shaded, maybe with gravel or with broken crockery around the base of the plant. They like their heads in sunshine and base of plant shaded & cool.

1 comment:

Flowergirl said...

So jealous of these Tim. It is the quickest way to throw away money buying hybrid clematis here. They hardly ever get away successfully, its too humid. We have two native species and I am hoping they do well.