Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This year I started an Allotment, nearby to where I live. When I took it on, it was a mass of weeds and rubbish, left from the previous occupant. So it was a tough task clearing it and digging it all over. The soil was full of "Twitch", like a tough root that tangles everything up.

Thankfully the soil is quite easy to dig and work with , so it was not long before I got a few crops planted. It now has Cauliflowers, Cabbages, Broccoli, Sweet corn, Potatoes (7 rows) Beetroot & Carrots, Swedes & Turnips, Courgettes, Leeks, Brussel Sprouts, Celery and Dwarf Beans and Onions....and Rhubarb.

So hopefully not too long now till i reap the rewards of my work there.

Just recently I added a bench to sit on and a small tool shed and compost heap.

Next year i'll plant things closer together, now I know how big certain things get.

Watering & Weeding are the main things. The weeds seem to appear overnight and we are having a dry spell at the moment, so watering on a regular basis is important.

Lucky for me, I inherited Four large Blue water tubs, that can be re-filled by a hose nearby.

So all in all , its proving a very enjoyable project so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Just had a look at yr site the "Naked Gardener", fantastic lovely to go into yr garden and pick yr own vegetables! and fruit well done, u have put alot of work into it I see, but lovely to see the outcome of all the fuit trees and vegetables producing and looking very tasty indeed, u would make a good gardener husband lol