Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are now into August 2010 and I'm still enjoying the Fruits of my Labours In the Garden as well as my Allotment plot. Above are a few photos of various produce I've got growing and I've had a steady supply lately. The Tomatos are starting to ripen more and Cucumbers are doing well too. I've just started to put the Strawberry plant runners into pots, to try adding to my Strawberry stock for next year. Easy to grow those and just peg them down into pots of compost, they soon take root. After a few weeks you can "detach" the main runner from the parent plant. The Apples are looking good and my main tree is a "Worcester Pomagne" variety. The other Tree is a "Bramley Cooking Apple", when has a few Apples in its first year here. I've also dug up my Onions from the Allotment and put them on my patio table to dry off (Photo above). Another photo shows my Kitchen Vegetable rack, full of produce off the Allotment. I've still got plenty of Potatoes to dig up and store. Also still to plant there , are Spring Cabbages. Last week I planted some Christmas Potatos , which hopefully will be on my plate on Christmas day!! Most were set in containers , but some on the Allotment too.
Other photos show how my Flower garden currently looks. Its been very colourful again and i'm very pleased with the Front garden Centre piece this year, with the "Double" Petunias and Heliotrope (Cherry pie) Purple flowers. With some White Margerites in the middle. Very effective display. "Hatty" The Hen (photo above) continues to lay her eggs 3 or 4 times a week. I'm still feeding her on kitchen scraps and Veggie leaves from the garden. She's looking very well lately, compared to a year ago! When she had hardly any feathers at all.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I decided to make a Video Tour of this years display and when things were mostly at their Peak for the season. I hope you enjoy viewing it! You might find the Video starts to "repeat" after 10.31 Mins!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Rewards

After all the hard work of digging and setting plants & sowing seeds, now is the time to enjoy a few rewards, as the Vegetables and Fruit get picked. So far i've had Strawberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries and a few Blueberries off the garden here, with Peas and Spinach & Cucumbers.
On the Allotment its becoming very productive, as the New Potatos, Dwarf Beans, Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Beetroot , Turnips and Cabbages start to get picked too.
Others will follow in due course, but I'm pleased it's not all ready at once!
The rain we had in the second week of July, has helped greatly, as it was a Three week dry spell before that here. So it was a case of daily watering at home.
But things have picked up again after looking so starved of water and the garden is almost at it's best for this season now.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


This year I started an Allotment, nearby to where I live. When I took it on, it was a mass of weeds and rubbish, left from the previous occupant. So it was a tough task clearing it and digging it all over. The soil was full of "Twitch", like a tough root that tangles everything up.

Thankfully the soil is quite easy to dig and work with , so it was not long before I got a few crops planted. It now has Cauliflowers, Cabbages, Broccoli, Sweet corn, Potatoes (7 rows) Beetroot & Carrots, Swedes & Turnips, Courgettes, Leeks, Brussel Sprouts, Celery and Dwarf Beans and Onions....and Rhubarb.

So hopefully not too long now till i reap the rewards of my work there.

Just recently I added a bench to sit on and a small tool shed and compost heap.

Next year i'll plant things closer together, now I know how big certain things get.

Watering & Weeding are the main things. The weeds seem to appear overnight and we are having a dry spell at the moment, so watering on a regular basis is important.

Lucky for me, I inherited Four large Blue water tubs, that can be re-filled by a hose nearby.

So all in all , its proving a very enjoyable project so far!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How Things Look In June

Well, almost at Mid Summer now and things are taking shape in the Garden. All Summer plants are now in and some are coming into bloom right now. The Greenhouse is looking very promising too, with the Tomatos , Cucumbers, Melons & Peppers in there. Regular feeding will help them along . Outside I have the Vegetable patch which has Peas , Carrots, Beetroot, Garlic and Parsnips. Also my Strawberry bed (Photo above) with straw around the plants, to encourage the sun to ripen the fruits. My Raspberry Canes (Photo above) are showing signs of Fruit appearing too and i've netted it over to stop Birds beating me to the Raspberries!
At the rear of the Greenhouse, are the Runner Beans which are climbing gradually up the canes.
So all in all, things are looking good and should be a productive Summer .
I have also begun doing an Allotment this year, which is close by and soon I'll be taking a few photos to show here, how it is progressing. I've completed the digging and planting there and so now its a case of watering & Weeding it! . But so far that also is coming on well.

Clematis In Bloom

June has arrived and it see's the start of the Clematis season in my Garden. I have a few varieties and photos of some of them are above. The first to flower in my garden is the "Montana" variety and now others are coming into Bloom which are the larger flower types, like "The President" and "Fireworks". When planting a Clematis , it is worth remembering you should set it in the soil, lower than its pot depth! About 3 Inches deeper in fact.
So some of the stalks will be below ground level. This helps prevent the common Clenatis problem called "Clematis Wilt". Which see's an often healthy Clematis, wilt and die off within days. So plant them deeper and this should not happen. If you do get Clematis Wilt, try digging up the plant and re-setting it deeper and it may grow back and add some "bone meal" to help root growth. When a Clematis is growing , feed with a Potash feed to help produce extra flowers. Also keep the roots of a Clematis shaded, maybe with gravel or with broken crockery around the base of the plant. They like their heads in sunshine and base of plant shaded & cool.

Monday, May 03, 2010


It has been a very colourful Springtime this year and not bad considering it was quite late.
The Tulips have really done well this year and the Violas and Bellis Daisies too.
The chilly mornings have probably helped them all last a bit longer and April was quite a dry month with no windy days to knock them about. I was very busy in my greenhouse again, transplanting seedlings into trays (Photo above) and there's now a shortage of space!
As this year I took on an allotment, so the extra trays needed, were for the Vegetables grown from seed, mainly into peat pots, to save disturbing the root systems. It also helps against "Club Root" too, having them start in pots first. So i'll soon be planting out my Broccoli, Sprouts, Cauliflowers and Cabbages over on that Allotment nearby. Its added an extra interest this year doing that, but it also means less free time!. The Allotment was in a very neglected state, as the previous tenent did'nt dig much of it for around 5 years!! So you can imagine the weeds & grass that had taken over. I still have some to dig over and hopefully be finished by the end of May.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting Started Again! - March 2010

Well, despite a very slow start to the gardening season this year, I've begun in my greenhouse by sowing my summer flower seeds and also preparing for me allotment planting too, by putting my Seed Potato's in trays for chitting. When the shoots are about an inch long, then I can plant the Potatos out on the allotment. But I've still got to prepare the soil there.
The weather remains very chilly here and so the soil will be too cold yet for sowing & planting out. I guess it will all catch up though during April. The crocus's & primroses are just appearing on my garden (photo above) but the Daffodils are still not in flower. So a very late springtime here in the UK this year. I've also potted up my Geranium plug plants into 3 Inch pots (Photo above) which I had delivered from a gardening mail order company, which seems a better idea, as they can be hard to germinate from seeds. There is also a photo of my new Raspberry canes, that were planted around Christmas time, but should fruit this coming Summer, being a variety that fruits on the existing canes. After fruiting they will of course be cut down to almost ground level and this years growth, will be trained up and that will fruit next year.