Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Sunflower Border

Polytunnel Tomatos


Rustic Rudbeckias

Plot 3

Artichokes in flower

Plots 1 & 2

A cheerful sight currently on the plots are our Sunflowers!
Something about them I really like and they certainly cheer you up!!
I grew a big border of mixed ones this year and they are now standing head and shoulders above everything else on the allotments. Later on of course the seeds will help feed the birds, though I will save a few for next year. The Sunflower is also the symbol of the "Vegan Society" of which we are members, so they are a good statement of our lifestyle too.
Everything on the allotments is just about at its peak now, though the Pumpkins and Squashes are still growing, some are a decent size already,but still a couple more months for them yet.
The Tomatos are starting to ripen and we're picking cucumbers and courgettes now.
So loads to pick now, including the huge amount of blackcurrents we have.
Dana is making wine with these as well as the Gooseberries, so we'll see how that develops.
I have just sown more Spinach for the Winter as the Rabbits at home enjoy that as well as us.
Also planted plenty of Leeks for the winter & springtime.
So lots to keep us busy yet and no shortage of produce to eat!

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