Sunday, July 19, 2015

THE HARVEST - July 2015

Me Podding Broad Beans

Alderman Peas


Raspberries & Strawberries


Our Sunflower Bed

Broad Beans

Tomatos developing in Polytunnel

Raspberry Canes

Allotments at their best

Currently gathering the produce from our plots and either freezing them or making jam or wine.
It is almost a full time job right now,with still so much produce there still.
The Pumpkins are taking shape and should be a huge amount again this autumn.
The Tomatos are still green, but should not be too long before they start ripening.
The main job at the moment is watering everything, especially the polytunnels which need doing twice a day.
The Runner Beans are beginning to form now so we'll soon be deluged with those!
It has been another successful year though by the looks of things.

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