Wednesday, April 29, 2015


"Blue Tit" Azalea

Apple Blossom

Blossom on Crab Apple

Our Two Crab Apple Trees

Chillies In Greenhouse

Tomato Plants

Greenhouse In April 2015
Such a pretty time of year outdoors in April I think.
Our garden is also very colourful at present and most of the blossom is out, but still some to come out later, such as the other Apple Trees. The Crab Apples are currently in bloom.
The Tulips have looked great and now our rockery is beginning to show signs of colour.
In the greenhouse there is lots going on and most of the sowings are now completed.
Soon the Tomato plants will start to be hardened off outdoors, for planting out in late May.
There are loads of Peppers and Chillies this year in there, which should be going in the polytunnel over on the allotments.  I have some bedding flowers too, but not as many as in previous years.
We've mainly tried to grow hardy perennial plants which come up each year, to save time and money. But always enjoy planting a few Rudbeckias and Gazanias and of course the Sunflowers, which will be on the allotment this summer. I've done some Dahlias in pots as well, for putting outside later on.

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