Monday, April 06, 2015

Seedlings To Pot On Now.

Tomato Seedlings

Various Chillies and Pepper Seedlings

Broad Bean Plants

Bedding Plants

Spring Planter

A busy time in the Greenhouse lately, with loads of young seedlings to pot up into 3 inch pots, such as Tomato's and Chillies and Peppers. These will eventually go to the allotment and either be planted outside or into polytunnels, where the extra heat will bring them on much better in a tropical climate. We are trying a few Chillie varieties this year. From quite mild to very hot , but the actual Chillies look quite attractive and in different colours and shapes as well. The Broad Bean plants will be planted on the Allotment and be supported by canes with twine tied around to add extra support as they grow bigger and get heavier when the pods form. We have lot of Tomato varieties this year too, from tini sweet ones to very big sizes.
I expect we will eventually have over 100 Tomato plants on the Allotment again.

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