Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Another very colourful Garden this Summer, despite it being a very wet Summer in the UK.

I did not enter the Garden Competition this year, which I'm pleased about, as it would have been a struggle getting it right for the judging. But as it is I'm pleased with the Flower beds this year again. The fruit bushes and Apple tree have produced a fair amount of fruit and the mini vegetable area has also done well. Though not much success with the grow bags. I think the restricted root area affects Vegetables too much and they seem to die off too early.

The Dahlias have been the best flowers on the front garden, but then they prefer a lot of watering....and no problems there with our weather conditions!.

Hopefully the remainder of August will see warmer & sunnier weather here, so I can sit out and enjoy my garden more, rather than admire it from the window Indoors!!

Soon need to think about ordering my Autumn plug plants, such as Primroses, for the Spring.

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