Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is my Pond area at the rear of the garden.
In March /April it plays host to a great number of Frogs, which spawn and create thousands of Tadpoles in there.
It also has Newts too, which are seen In April mainly, which is their month for mating. So it's quite good at attracting Wildlife to a Garden pond. At one end I have a rockery with various Alpine plants , surrounded by fine shingle.
This makes it look more attractive and deters slugs as well, which can eat the more delicate leaves.
In summer its a nice place to sit though and watch whatever is going on in the Pond itself. Sometimes the odd Dragonfly will swoop down, after the flies or birds enjoy drinking from the waters edge too. I prefer no Fish, as they are then a target for the local Cats. The Fish also eat the Frogspawn.
In Autumn all foliage needs trimming back and leaves removed from the water. Otherwise the water gets polluted.
In hot weather the pond might need filling up, as evapouration occurs. Ponds are great features to have in a garden though I think, with not much maintenance required for a "Wildlife pond".

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