Thursday, March 02, 2006

Here is a view of my garden, taken from an upstairs window at home. It gives a good view of the length and width of the rear garden. It includes a few garden features, including Pergolas, an Arbour, a water feature, greenhouse and quite a bit of trellis fencing too. Each section of the garden I try to make different. Towards the back of the rear garden is a large pond, that has plenty of Wildlife in it, including Frogs & Newts. In Summer it encourages Dragonflies and in the past , we used to get Bats too!! These were after the flies above the water. There is another pond on the right hand side too, which is smaller, but still attracts the Frogs.
These will soon be Spawning In March/April.
We'll then get thousands of tadpoles, which will then turn into more Frogs later In Summer. The Frogs are great for the garden, as they eat the slugs , which are very damaging to young tender plants. So I like to encourage Frogs here.
Despite the large size of the garden, I don't find it too hard to maintain it. As long as It gets a couple of hours a week in Summer spent on it, It stays tidy and in control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful garden Tim