Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A photo of Me In my Greenhouse.
I'm currently busy in there with the seed transplanting. Usually about 20 or 25 plants to a tray. So its a fiddling job!! I have plenty more to do yet as well. But doing them early, gives them time to establish themselves, before being put outside at the end of May or early June.
As you can see, my Greenhouse is Insulated with bubble wrap polythene at the moment. Though this will be removed, as soon as the coldest weather has gone in a week or so.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another Perennial plant I like to grow, are Delphiniums.

In March they are usually available as small plants at Garden Centres and is the best time to buy them at that stage. They eventually grow to between 5ft-6ft, in various shades of Pinks & Blues & White also. They need staking up with a cane and tied to it, as the stems can easily snap in windy conditions. They Flower in May/June and maybe later on in Summer, after the first flowers have died and been cut back, the new growth soon establishes.

Best grown near a fence or in a mixed border of Perennials.

You can save seeds from spent flower heads and sow a few seeds in a pot in summer, for flowering the next year.

This is the current sight in my ponds!!
Yes, it's spawning time for the Frogs and later on there will be the Millions of tadpoles too, after they hatch from the Frogspawn.
I welcome the frogs as they are great to have in a garden, eating all the Insects & slugs which harm the young plants. In October the Frogs find a cosy place to hibernate over wintertime.
Usually in a compost heap or under bricks.
Then March they re-appear and head for the pond they were most likely born in.
No wonder I get so many returning.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

This is my Patio area at the back of the house.

The Blue Bush is a "Ceanothus"(Californian Lilac). It flowers in May/June each year and makes a very stunning show of flowers on that bush. In July its best to trim it back a bit, to remove the dead flower heads and some of the growth too. There are different varieties, some that reach different heights too. This one is the biggest, that can spread 10ft if allowed.

Others form a neat clump around 3ft high.

So best to read the plant label, befiore you buy, in case the plant gets too big for its space.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is my Pond area at the rear of the garden.
In March /April it plays host to a great number of Frogs, which spawn and create thousands of Tadpoles in there.
It also has Newts too, which are seen In April mainly, which is their month for mating. So it's quite good at attracting Wildlife to a Garden pond. At one end I have a rockery with various Alpine plants , surrounded by fine shingle.
This makes it look more attractive and deters slugs as well, which can eat the more delicate leaves.
In summer its a nice place to sit though and watch whatever is going on in the Pond itself. Sometimes the odd Dragonfly will swoop down, after the flies or birds enjoy drinking from the waters edge too. I prefer no Fish, as they are then a target for the local Cats. The Fish also eat the Frogspawn.
In Autumn all foliage needs trimming back and leaves removed from the water. Otherwise the water gets polluted.
In hot weather the pond might need filling up, as evapouration occurs. Ponds are great features to have in a garden though I think, with not much maintenance required for a "Wildlife pond".

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Here is a view of my garden, taken from an upstairs window at home. It gives a good view of the length and width of the rear garden. It includes a few garden features, including Pergolas, an Arbour, a water feature, greenhouse and quite a bit of trellis fencing too. Each section of the garden I try to make different. Towards the back of the rear garden is a large pond, that has plenty of Wildlife in it, including Frogs & Newts. In Summer it encourages Dragonflies and in the past , we used to get Bats too!! These were after the flies above the water. There is another pond on the right hand side too, which is smaller, but still attracts the Frogs.
These will soon be Spawning In March/April.
We'll then get thousands of tadpoles, which will then turn into more Frogs later In Summer. The Frogs are great for the garden, as they eat the slugs , which are very damaging to young tender plants. So I like to encourage Frogs here.
Despite the large size of the garden, I don't find it too hard to maintain it. As long as It gets a couple of hours a week in Summer spent on it, It stays tidy and in control.