Wednesday, June 05, 2013


Allotments Forward View

Poached Egg Plant

Backward View

Picnic Table



Lettuce in Cold Frame


Dana on Allotment

Things are growing nicely so far on our two allotments. The weather has picked up and currently much drier and warmer, which can only be good after the cool spells we've had of late. Just planted the Pumpkins and Tomatos ouside. Also the young Celery & Celeriac plants.  Currently got the weeding to keep on top of, which appear to grow much quicker than anything else. We have quite a few water tubs on our plots, but you soon get down the water in dry spells. They have to be topped up by a hose, which is connected to a tap quite a distance from our plots. So a long hose required!.
It appears the danger of frosts has now gone for this year , so now the potatos are through we need not worry so much.

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