Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Arbour Cottage Garden

Clematis on Palm trunk

Surfina Petunia

Rescued Rabbits


Patio area

Guinea Pigs & Rabbits

Front Garden Border


Front Garden

Front Garden View

Well Summer finally turned up after a very unsettled and miserable spell from March to July 2012.
Though at the time of writing the weather again is still not wall to wall sunshine...it only seems to come in short bursts! then return to rain once again. At least it has benefitted my allotment though, with the Broad Beans and Strawberries in particular doing very well indeed. Though the Fruit Trees are not producing much this year, other than the Apple Trees. No sign of Damsons or Plums as such, which is a shame. Maybe next year they might be hopefully "loaded" with Fruit. On the Pet front , the Ducks have been wading through a lot of mud this year,which suits them i suppose. But it has not been any fun feeding & cleaning them during the rain spells. They are still laying eggs on a daily basis , as are the 4 remaining Hens we have. Eventually we will get a few more rescue Hens from the centre at Coventry. This week i dug up the first two rows of Potatoes on the allotment, which look very good and no slug damage. They finished earlier this year, but again I think the rain was a cause of this. At least the Potatoes are a decent size though. The front garden suffered a bit with the excess rain , but still looks nice I think (photo above) with the pink begonias doing best.  Also the lavenders have been very good and we plan having more of those next year. So all in all, not a bad year on the garden so far, despite extreme bad weather. Just hoping the Winter will not be too severe too.  But first I hope the Autumn will be sunnier than the Summer has been so far!.                                     

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