Saturday, January 28, 2006

This is a picture of my Front garden last July.

After all the seed sowing and planting out, it's nice to see the rewards of your labours, later in Summer. The Summer of 2005 was kind to many bedding plants, as we did'nt get a lot of rain, so plants like Petunias did'nt get damaged by heavy rain, which does ruin the petals, unless they are of the F1 type, which resists bad weather conditions. I use the F2 Variety of Petunias, mainly because they last longer as plants and they seem to be available in more colour shades too. They are also cheaper!

I like to include various varieties of summer bedding, to achieve a stunning display.

African Marigolds, French Marigolds, Statice, Dahlias, Shasta daisies, Rudbeckias, Petunias, Asters, Argyranthemums (A Tall Daisy type plant) , Pansies & Gazanias. Were all featured as part of my Front garden planting scheme last summer. Together with the Rockery too.

So now it's all set to start again, with the seed sowing very soon!

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