Saturday, August 07, 2021

I'm Back!

 Well hello there folks!.. Back after around three years away from this blog of mine. Not much has happened has it?? 😂😂.. Oh yes, a pandemic among other disasters, like worsening climate change. Me?.. Well still got my 3 plots and my business stuff. I'm still a suffering secretary/treasurer on our allotment site, which is always full of excitement!.. This week also, had to evict 3 plotholders due to their very untidy, over weeded plots. They didn't go quietly, so had to be persuaded to leave and a small rent refund.. Money usually works!. So that was fun as usual. I'm basically running all 21 plots. So never a dull moment. If anyone thinks allotments are stress free places.. Think again. They should be, but human nature is how it is. Folk disagree and petty arguments start. Anyway.. On the growing side, things are great. Lots going on this year. Here's a few photos..of this years veg. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Springtime 2018

Another year another Gardening season...the greenhouse has a few seedling appearing such as Tomatoes and Chillies & Peppers and outside the spring flowers are in bloom, but the weather remains cold and dull.   Been a very long, cold  and dreary winter I think...and just hope the summer makes up for it.

Romania Visit -Oct 2017

Flying over the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania.

Quinces in storage

Onions in upstairs room

Pears in storage

Every year we go to  Romania in October as its my birthday and Dana's fathers birthday the same week, so whilst there we do some meals in  the kitchen involving the produce her father has grown that year. He also stores fruit & veg in the upstairs rooms wrapped in newspaper along with the onions  and squashes. I ended up chopping up one of the big squashes for a soup.  Her father also keeps a few bee hives as a hobby.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017


Dana & Me

We enjoyed a sunny day out at Southport Flower Show on Merseyside...nice event and well attended.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


Now harvesting quite a lot of produce, including the Peppers and Tomatoes, Apples, Courgettes, Runner Beans, Potatoes, Spinach and much more. Been a very successful season indeed. 
The weather has really suited most things to be honest. Raspberries were prolific as were the Strawberries. We bagged up around 8 sacks of Potatoes and hardly any had slug damage.
The Tomatoes should keep going till well into October again.


These are the first Apricots we've had off our tree since we planted it. I must admit that living here in the UK, i'm suprised we can grow them, with our cooler climate. But they have done very well indeed...hopefully more next year!