Sunday, September 25, 2016


Tomatos and Peppers

Worcester Pomagne Apples

Marmande Tomato

Victoria Plums and Worcester Pomagne Apples

Turks Turban Squash

Allotment View

Jalapeno Chillies

Sweet Peppers

Pumpkins, Squashes and Gourds

Beans Galore

Me Picking Damsons from shed roof





Cucumber plant

Well after a cold and wet spring here in the UK, we managed a great summer really which produced loads of fruits and vegetables on our allotment plots and at home on our trees. When you consider the quite short growing season we have, everything did very well really. Even the Potatoes, which often suffer from slug damage..I dug them up in August during the dry spell, which was a good idea, before the rains set in. We got around 5 sacks of Potatoes in total.

Now almost into October and we're still getting plenty of Tomatoes and Peppers. The Pumpkins and Squashes have now been harvested and are under cover to mature outdoors a bit, before being brought inside. Currently pruning fruit trees and preparing the allotments for next year, with plenty of tidying and digging to do yet.