Sunday, September 21, 2014

CHILLI FESTIVAL -"Dorothy Clive Garden" - North Staffordshire - September 21st 2014

Chilli Eating Contest

Indian Cooking

We made another visit to the "Dorothy Clive Garden" on the borders of Cheshire and North Staffordshire, to see a Chilli Festival, which was quite Interesting. A few cooking demonstrations including Indian, showing how to Incorporate Chillies in your cooking recipes. Also stalls selling Chilli related goods and books and Chilli Jams, etc. Then we took a look around the gardens themselves which were very colourful and the autumn leaves in their splendour too. It was a lovely warm sunny day. Not bad for late September!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Harvesting Time

It has been a very busy time lately, gathering in the produce from my allotment plots.
I brought home the Pumpkins and Squashes to store in a dry place, also picked all our Apples from our garden and the Cayenne Peppers from the Polytunnel. Also I've picked all our Tomatos that were still outdoors on the allotment, which had been prolific this year.  Dana my wife has been making Stuffed Peppers from some of the Peppers from the Polytunnel too (Photo above). 
Been such a productive year again and it's saved us quite a bit of money growing as much as we can ourselves. Also knowing how much fresher everything is, when you pick it yourself as you need it.  The allotments now are mainly in need of tidying up and start to prepare to clear everything off, so I can get the soil cultivated for next year.
At home the back garden will soon have a major pruning and get ready for Incinerating the branches and old plant material. A big job indeed! 
We have also saved a lot of seeds from this years vegetables and flowers for next years sowings. 

Monday, September 08, 2014


A Selection of the Pumpkins and Squashes and the Gourds, from my allotments this summer. We will store them in a cool place and use the Pumpkins/Squashes for our soups, etc this coming Autumn & Winter. The Gourds which are not edible, will be used at home for decoration purposes. They are fun and the colours really amazing too.