Tuesday, August 07, 2012


The Hen Eggs



Broad Beans

Potatos and Veg

Now busy reaping a few rewards from the garden & allotment. Last weekend I dug up the rest of the Potatos from the allotment, where we had 6 rows. I washed them and bagged them up to dry. They finished rather earlier this year, but look good though with hardly any slug damage at all. I'm still picking Broad Beans and these will be in the freezer as I pick and pod them all. The runner beans are only jut starting now , but should last into early October I reckon. In the greenhouse the Cucumbers are maturing and the Tomatos still green, but need more sunshine than they have had so far. Not a great year for Tomatos though. But at least most things seem to be doing very well so not a bad year as yet for produce.