Thursday, August 12, 2010


We are now into August 2010 and I'm still enjoying the Fruits of my Labours In the Garden as well as my Allotment plot. Above are a few photos of various produce I've got growing and I've had a steady supply lately. The Tomatos are starting to ripen more and Cucumbers are doing well too. I've just started to put the Strawberry plant runners into pots, to try adding to my Strawberry stock for next year. Easy to grow those and just peg them down into pots of compost, they soon take root. After a few weeks you can "detach" the main runner from the parent plant. The Apples are looking good and my main tree is a "Worcester Pomagne" variety. The other Tree is a "Bramley Cooking Apple", when has a few Apples in its first year here. I've also dug up my Onions from the Allotment and put them on my patio table to dry off (Photo above). Another photo shows my Kitchen Vegetable rack, full of produce off the Allotment. I've still got plenty of Potatoes to dig up and store. Also still to plant there , are Spring Cabbages. Last week I planted some Christmas Potatos , which hopefully will be on my plate on Christmas day!! Most were set in containers , but some on the Allotment too.
Other photos show how my Flower garden currently looks. Its been very colourful again and i'm very pleased with the Front garden Centre piece this year, with the "Double" Petunias and Heliotrope (Cherry pie) Purple flowers. With some White Margerites in the middle. Very effective display. "Hatty" The Hen (photo above) continues to lay her eggs 3 or 4 times a week. I'm still feeding her on kitchen scraps and Veggie leaves from the garden. She's looking very well lately, compared to a year ago! When she had hardly any feathers at all.