Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting Started Again! - March 2010

Well, despite a very slow start to the gardening season this year, I've begun in my greenhouse by sowing my summer flower seeds and also preparing for me allotment planting too, by putting my Seed Potato's in trays for chitting. When the shoots are about an inch long, then I can plant the Potatos out on the allotment. But I've still got to prepare the soil there.
The weather remains very chilly here and so the soil will be too cold yet for sowing & planting out. I guess it will all catch up though during April. The crocus's & primroses are just appearing on my garden (photo above) but the Daffodils are still not in flower. So a very late springtime here in the UK this year. I've also potted up my Geranium plug plants into 3 Inch pots (Photo above) which I had delivered from a gardening mail order company, which seems a better idea, as they can be hard to germinate from seeds. There is also a photo of my new Raspberry canes, that were planted around Christmas time, but should fruit this coming Summer, being a variety that fruits on the existing canes. After fruiting they will of course be cut down to almost ground level and this years growth, will be trained up and that will fruit next year.