Saturday, July 08, 2006

My Summer Garden Photos

These are a few photos of how my Garden is looking right now, in July 2006. Just about at it's best for the season I think. The recent heatwave brought everything on quicker than usual, so maybe a few things will be over by August, unless a few showers of rain revive the plants. Anyway, it's looking very colourful at the moment.
It's a constant task of "deadheading" plants, to make sure they keep producing new flowers.
Otherwise the seed heads take all the strength out of the plants, instead of putting their energies into new flowers. A regular feed with either Tomato fertilizer, or another Container/Hanging basket feed, diluted according to the Instructions...will also prolong the flowering season too.
Roses will benefit from a granular Rose Fertilizer at this time of year too, to help make another batch of flowers, after the first ones have ended. Always remove the Dead rose heads too, by cutting them off about 3 Inches from the flower buds.
There is a lot of Greenfly (Aphids) around at this time of year, so spray these with a mixture of Water & Washing up liquid. They seem to hate soapy water!....and its a more Organic and safer way to kill these Insects. Insecticides can be harmful to the skin and eyes, so if you did get it on you, always wash well with water afterwards.
Now is the time to sow Primula seeds for plants for the Autumn.
So these can be sowed in a tray and kept in a cool place but with plenty of light.
Primroses/Polyanthus are Ideal for planting together with Daffodil and Tulip bulbs for Spring Flowers. Wallflowers can also be sown now too.